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P3 Austin Makes the Rounds at Film Festivals

We cannot believe all the love we have gotten from film festivals in the past two years. It all started with “The Distance” making the rounds for two years…It seemed like every film festival out there was hungry for the stories and the content we were producing. Since then, we have won awards for Best Director, Blow Low Budget Short, Best Cinematography, etc. It’s been a whirlwind of acceptance that has helped propel us forward.

“Surprise!” literally took people by surprise. With a successful blend of vampires and gangsters meeting at a surprise birthday party, it makes for a fun genre-crossing redefining horror comedy film that is still being requested by film festivals today, even though we have taken it out of circulation and put the full film on YouTube. The chemistry of the cast won “Best Ensemble” at FilmHaus in Germany, and was praised by Planet Cinema as “the most fun concept” they had seen in a while.

However, much of the love from film festivals was as a result of “When Fighting Monsters”, which took what could have been contrived material and based a really bad situation in reality. A deeply personal film written by Phil, who wanted to convey that sometimes love does not always win the day…Sometimes life can get pretty ugly pretty quick, Situations can approach a point of no return that can end tragically. This was the film that solidified us as a serious group of creative individuals to look out for.

Then we followed all that up with “Kin”, which goes away from the seriousness and moves into the ridiculous. A metaphor for modern day America and views on immigration, what could have been divisive is literally a fun romp in the style of 80’s “killer hillbilly in the woods” slashers that Phil grew up on. It will premiere in LA at the LA Music and Short Film Festival at the end of August. If in the LA area, go check it out. If not in LA, we believe that at some point the film will be at a festival near you. Acceptances are still pending in many areas of the world.

We just wanted to thank all of the festivals and the film community for the love and acceptance that continue to reach out to us and ask if they can either see our next project or are eager to join in on the next one. We have gotten so many requests that we have been busy asking the question: “How do we take this thing to the next level?”

Currently, we have beenĀ  seeking capital and taking production to a more professional level. We want to pay those folks who have given their all to take not only us to the next level, but have also been noticed for their work by others. Without the love, acceptance and encouragement of the film community as a whole, we would not be able to do this. It’s pretty humbling actually. On top of that, Philip Lee has now joined the IFGA Union (Independent Filmmakers Guild of America), where more opportunities than we could have ever imagined now exist. Together with a stellar acting force, solid writing and direction, and a team of production-ready folks with new scripts in development, we couldn’t be more excited for the future of P3 and everything that will come.

So stay tuned.