I always had an idea for a short screenplay that would not only speak from experience to the generations coming up, but would also remind older generations bitching about “these young people today”, they are the ones they learned from. That concept has been lost on us as we continue to think of life as a “dig eat dog” world and “things were better back in my day.”
Nothing was set in stone, but that was the general idea.
When COVID pandemic restrictions started to wane, I finally had an outline of the story. Hell, I had a lot of time to think while we were all locked down in our homes. Finally, we had the honor of having some talented actors and actresses sign up for our short film class, most notably Isabelle Morgan and Alyssa Nicholes. The idea soon became “The Distance”.
The message behind the film was received by many across the world. Finally, there was a reminder of who we all are amidst the chaos that wasn’t done in a sappy, Lifetime Network sort of way. “The Distance” is real. It’s poignant. In fact, it even has some tough love. Even though the subject of the film is a 16 year old girl, she could be anyone…And we all need to hear what she has to say, what she has to feel, and what she does. The main character of “The Distance” is all of us whether we like to admit it or not.
Not only did “The Distance” make several notable film festivals, like the LiftOff festival, but it also became a Best Drama nominee for Cannes Shorts. While it is still making the rounds at other film festivals for the remainder of 2022, it is still not available for viewing online as of yet. However, you should definitely put this one on your radar as something to watch for…You will feel what Isabelle, the lead actress, feels.
P3 and it’s content is now on the radar.
We only hope this film proves that there is an audience out there who want REAL stories, REAL connection, not just comic book heroes rehashed over and over again. We hope the story proves that we can all be heroes of our own story if we allow ourselves to be. Sometimes there ARE no formulas for storytelling. Maybe because life doesn’t abide by a formula itself?
Weird, I know.